

Robert Hackett 2014年11月06日

    《我好!你也好!》(I’m OK—You’re OK),作者:托马斯•安东尼•哈里斯(1969年)

    上世纪50年代,精神病学专家埃里克•伯恩进一步阐述了佛洛依德的精神分析理论,并形成了自己的诊断与治疗体系:交互分析(Transactional Analysis)。伯恩并非通过推测潜意识来解释人类行为,而是将社会互动系统化——也就是他的“交互”。伯恩的爱徒哈里斯继承了他的理论,并将其付诸实践,在其大众心理学经典作品《我好!你也好》中宣传了交互分析方法。哈里斯的图书在影响力方面甚至超越了伯恩的作品,并曾在许多流行文化作品中出现,包括情景喜剧《单身公寓》(The Odd Couple)、《出租车》(Taxi)和《宋飞正传》(Seinfeld)。按照交互分析师的说法,伯恩可谓青出于蓝而胜于蓝。

    I’m OK—You’re OK by Thomas Anthony Harris (1969)

    In the 1950s, psychiatrist Eric Berne expanded on Freud’s theories of psychoanalysis to develop his own system of diagnosis and therapy called Transactional Analysis. Rather than speculating about the unconscious mind to explain human behavior, Berne schematized social interactions—aka his “transactions.” Harris, one of Berne’s close disciples, took Berne’s ideas and ran with them, promoting the methodology in his pop-psych paragon I’m OK—You’re OK. Harris’ book became even more influential than Berne’s own and has made a host of pop cultural cameos, including in sitcoms like The Odd Couple, Taxi, and Seinfeld. The child, a transactional analyst might say, surpassed the parent.

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