

Robert Hackett 2014年10月27日





    员工可享用免费糖果、饮料,还可以带宠物进入工作区,这些仅仅是在这家糖果、饮料和宠物食品制造商工作的一部分特色福利。公司非常注重工作环境安全,因为员工经常需要与生产食品的复杂机器和材料打交道,其产品包括M&M’s、士力架(Snickers)、宝路(Pedigree)、傲白(Orbit)和本大叔(Uncle Ben’s)。该公司还提供培训课程以及系统的健康与安全检查,以保持制造工厂和流程的顺利运转。玛氏向各个地区提供多种多样的健康项目,保持员工的健康体魄。一名员工表示:“谈玛氏不能不谈玛氏人。在大多数制造企业中,领导者考虑的是设备、资产、指标和利润,但玛氏非常明白,没有玛氏人就不能得到这些。”

    22. Mars

    Revenue: $33 billion

    Headquarters: McLean, Va.

    Employees: 75,000

    Free candy, drinks and ability to bring pets into the workplace are just some of the perks that come with working at this maker of candy, beverages, and pet food. The company takes workplace safety very seriously since employees often work with complex machinery and materials to produce its food products, which include M&M’s, Snickers, Pedigree, Orbit and Uncle Ben’s. The company also provides training courses and systematic health and safety reviews to keep the manufacturing plants and processes running smoothly. Mars provides a variety of wellness programs to different regions to keep its employees fit. Says one employee, “You can’t talk about Mars unless you talk about people. In most manufacturing businesses, the leaders are thinking about equipment, assets, metrics, and the bottom line — but Mars clearly understands that we can’t get any of that without people.”

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