

Robert Hackett 2014年10月27日

    21.凯悦酒店(Hyatt Hotels)




    这家全球连锁酒店继续放宽对员工-客户关系的管制,允许更随性、自然和共鸣的关联。过去公司更重视品牌一致性和指令,而非真诚沟通。如今,公司鼓励员工跳出这些教条。思考模式的改变带来了一些意外的良好效果;比如,一名7岁的小男孩把泰迪熊落在了柏悦汉堡酒店(Park Hyatt Hamburg),员工在送还泰迪熊的时候附上了一本童书,记录了这只泰迪熊独自在酒店的经历:在水疗中心接受按摩、躺在床上看电视以及在酒店餐厅用餐。这样的故事通过公司数字月刊《Hyatt Pulse》在公司内部传播,使公司文化得以一脉传承。

    21. Hyatt Hotels

    Revenue: $4.2 billion

    Headquarters: Chicago

    Employees: 100,251

    The global hotel chain has continued to loosen the reins on its employee-guest relationships to allow for more chaotic, natural and empathetic connections. Whereas in past years the company favored brand consistency and instructions over genuine interaction, nowadays it encourages its employees to go off-script. The change of mindset has had pleasant, unexpected results; for instance, when a 7-year-old boy left his teddy bear at the Park Hyatt Hamburg, the staff sent it back with a children’s book documenting the teddy bear’s time alone at the hotel: getting massages at the spa, watching TV in bed, eating at the hotel restaurant. Stories like these spread throughout the company on the monthly internal digital news magazine Hyatt Pulse, a publication that helps maintain the company’s culture.

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