

Robert Hackett 2014年10月27日





    数据存储和云计算公司EMC的员工都是体育健将。他们在公司的非正式比赛(包括迷你高尔夫和kickball等)中一展其体育才能。数百名员工就在公司办公室大厅举办了迷你高尔夫锦标赛。今年夏天的一个下午,公司总部大院被改成了一个kickball(一种以棒球规则玩足球的运动)场地,高管队与夏季实习生队对阵。(结果高管队取胜了。)EMC还每年给员工提供3天带薪志愿者假期和25美元的EMC工作周年礼品卡,员工可捐给自己选择的慈善机构。今年春天,该公司与慈善机构合作募集了30万美元,用于在非洲建造清洁水井。参加“背水步行”(water walks)的员工背负沉重的水箱,体验了很多人为取得淡水而必须承受的辛劳。

    18. EMC

    Revenue: $23.2 billion

    Headquarters: Hopkinton, Mass.

    Employees: 47,812

    Employees at data storage and cloud computing company EMC are good sports—and they demonstrate their athletic abilities at the company’s unofficial games, which include mini-golf and kickball. Hundreds of employees put on mini-golf tournaments right in the halls of the company’s offices. One afternoon this summer, the main courtyard of the company’s Headquarters was converted into a kickball field where senior leaders took on summer interns. (The executives won.) EMC also offers its employees three paid volunteer days per year and a $25 gift card on their annual EMC work anniversary to donate to a charity of their choice. This spring, the company raised $300,000 in partnership with charity:water to build clean water wells in Africa. Employees participated in “water walks,” carrying heavy cans of water to experience what many people must do to procure fresh water.

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