

Christopher Tkaczyk 2014年06月23日
人力资源与工资管理软件开发公司Ultimate Software

    • 收入:3.32亿美元

    • 总部所在地:维斯顿,佛罗里达

    • 员工人数:1,734人

    • 千禧一代比例:25%

    • 最佳公司排名:20

    人力资源与工资管理软件开发公司Ultimate Software总能找到理由庆祝一番,而且经常举办鸡尾酒会和卡拉OK大赛,每个月还会为员工庆祝生日。通过“48小时”活动,公司CEO斯科特•舍尔在南佛罗里达州开创了一种硅谷文化。所谓“48小时”活动是指,公司员工可以参加48小时的“宠物项目”(指因个人爱好、而非大众需要而发起的项目——译注),只要这个项目与公司的目标有关。


    • Revenue: $332 million

    • Headquarters: Weston, Florida

    • Number of employees: 1,734

    • Millennial headcount: 25%

    • Best Companies rank: 20

    This HR and payroll software developer finds reasons to celebrate whenever possible and regularly sponsors cocktail hours and karaoke contests, as well as monthly birthday celebrations. CEO Scott Scherr has created a Silicon Valley culture in South Florida, in part through "48 Hours" events where employees can work on pet projects for a 48-hour period as long as it's related to company goals.

    Says one employee: "I feel at home when I come to work, where everyone is happy to see me, and ready to help. I have never had a bad day of work at Ultimate. My manager is so personable and fun, while also having a sense of authority and management. I feel comfortable around her knowing she treats me with respect, and also trusts me to get the job done."

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