

沃伦•巴菲特 2013年05月06日

    让我高兴的是,在我见过的女性当中,遭遇这种哈哈镜的情况正在变得越来越少。如果把这样一面镜子放在我女儿面前,她只会哈哈一笑,然后把它打个稀巴烂。女性永远都不应该忘记一件事,那就是在手握重权、而且看来自信满满的男性心中都住着一位《绿野仙踪》(the Wizard of Oz)里的奥兹国魔法师——他有各式各样的伪装,但实际上只是个普通人。在光鲜的外表后面,你们往往会发现他们根本就不是什么超人。(去问问他们的老婆就知道了!)





    I'm happy to say that funhouse mirrors are becoming less common among the women I meet. Try putting one in front of my daughter. She'll just laugh and smash it. Women should never forget that it is common for powerful and seemingly self-assured males to have more than a bit of the Wizard of Oz in them. Pull the curtain aside, and you'll often discover they are not supermen after all. (Just ask their wives!)

    So, my fellow males, what's in this for us? Why should we care whether the remaining barriers facing women are dismantled and the fun-house mirrors junked? Never mind that I believe the ethical case in itself is compelling. Let's look instead to your self-interest.

    No manager operates his or her plants at 80% efficiency when steps could be taken that would increase output. And no CEO wants male employees to be underutilized when improved training or working conditions would boost productivity. So take it one step further: If obvious benefits flow from helping the male component of the workforce achieve its potential, why in the world wouldn't you want to include its counterpart?

    Fellow males, get onboard. The closer that America comes to fully employing the talents of all its citizens, the greater its output of goods and services will be. We've seen what can be accomplished when we use 50% of our human capacity. If you visualize what 100% can do, you'll join me as an unbridled optimist about America's future.

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