

Colleen Kane 2015-05-13




    卡夫最近透露称,该公司将于2016年1月前取消在美国销售的卡夫原味芝士通心粉中的人工合成色素,同时在明年年底前取消在加拿大销售的该产品的合成色素。卡夫公司已于2014年推出了不含合成色素的Kraft Boxed Shapes产品,并于今年取消了该产品中的人工防腐剂。

      Kraft Macaroni & Cheese

    Sales numbers on the iconic boxed mac and cheese ain’t what they used to be,with numbers down 3% while organic competitors like Annie’s are up by that same 3%.

    Again, the drop in sales is due to customers seeking out healthier and less processed choices. The product has also been the subject of a consumer advocacy campaign which appealed to the company to use naturally derived ingredients like paprika, annato and tumeric.

    Just recently, Kraft revealed it is removing the synthetic coloring from its Original Kraft Macaroni & Cheese in the U.S. by January 2016, and from Canada’s Kraft Dinner Original by the end of next year. The company had already launched Kraft Boxed Shapes with no synthetic colors in 2014 and it removed the artificial preservatives from that product this year.
