

Robert Hackett ,  Christopher Tkaczyk 2014年10月24日






    这家媒体巨擘用源源不断的津贴和奖金吸引着颇有建树的人才。该公司希望通过提供冥想室和免费饭菜,让员工的工作生活更加轻松。谷歌员工是一个骄傲的群体。该公司在Great Rated!的“非常有自豪感”测评项目中得到了98%的高分(即98%的员工觉得非常自豪)。员工们说,他们经常甚至一直在公司承担重大责任。他们还通过回馈社区来分享这份骄傲——去年谷歌的慈善捐款超过了10亿美元。一位员工说:“我从来没有在这样的公司上过班。在这里工作的感觉既像在哈佛,又像到了霍格沃茨魔法学校,还像是在美国宇航局(NASA)。”


    Revenue: $55.5 billion

    Headquarters: Mountain View, Calif.

    Employees: 25,507

    100 Best Companies rank:1

    Attracting high-achieving talent with endless perks and bonuses, the media giant aims to make employees’ lives easier with meditation facilities and free meals. Googlers are a proud lot. Scoring 98 percent in Great Rated!'s “Great Pride” category overall, employees say they often or almost always carry meaningful responsibilities with the organization. And Googlers share that pride in giving back to the community: the company donated more than a billion dollars to charity last year. Says one employee: “I have never worked any place like this. It feels like working at a cross between Harvard, Hogwarts and NASA. The atmosphere and culture is truly unique and unlike anything I've ever experienced elsewhere.” Read the Great Rated! reviewhere.

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