

Andrew Nusca,Robert Hackett,Shalene Gupta 2014年08月05日

    美国运通GMS IM平台与大数据项目副总裁斯瓦蒂•辛格

    斯瓦蒂•辛格的技术背景几乎无懈可击,其中包括从杜克大学(Duke University)获得的机器学习博士学位。但她的性格却热衷经商。她是美国运通(American Express)MyOffers服务背后的主要智囊,这项服务旨在让美国运通的会员在需要的时候获得他们想要的东西。比如现在是中午,你又恰好想吃墨西哥菜,美国运通就会送你一张附近墨西哥餐厅的优惠券。她负责的另一个工具可以让商家比较自己的年度表现。她的老板塞斯特里•杜尔瓦苏拉表示:“她有很强的技术背景,但是她也可以像一个领导者一样,和其他领导谈事情。每次我们讨论数据的时候,她都在场。”——Shalene Gupta

    Swatee Singh, Vice President of GMS IM Platforms & Big Data Capabilities, American Express

    Swatee Singh’s technical background is impeccable, and includes a doctorate in Machine Learning from Duke University. But she’s all about making business personal. She’s the brains behind American Express MyOffers, which aims to give AmEx members what they want when they need it. If it’s noon and you have a taste for Mexican food, AmEx can present you with a coupon to a nearby burrito place. She’s also responsible for a tool that allows merchants to compare their annual performance. “She’s very energetic, and a visionary, she’ll go places,” says her boss SastryDurvasula. “She has a strong technical background but she can also speak to leaders like a leader. When we talk about data she’s there.” —Shalene Gupta

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