

Alex Taylor III 2014年07月07日


    Flex是尝试把SUV造型与小型货车的总体布置融为一体的一次并不成功的创新。它自2008年上市以来一直都处在停产的边缘。与林肯MKT非常相似,这款汽车深受加州年轻人的喜爱,成为租车服务公司的礼宾车,但始终未能达到预期的销量。虽然福特汽车并没有宣布这款汽车的命运,但在约翰•墨菲颇具影响力的2015-2018《汽车大战》(Car Wars)报告中并没有出现Flex或MKT的替代车型。

    3.Ford Flex

    An innovative if unsuccessful attempt to blend SUV style with minivan packaging, the Flex has been on the endangered list almost since it went on sale in 2008. A cult favorite with young Californians, much as its Lincoln counterpart, the MKT, has been pressed into livery service as a car-for-hire, the Flex has never found the wide audience at which it was intended. Although Ford F -0.23% hasn’t made any announcement regarding its fate, no replacement for the Flex or the MKT appears in John Murphy’s influential 2015-2018 “Car Wars” report.

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