

Ryan Bradley, Geoff Colvin, Catherine Dunn, Leigh Gallagher, Stephen Gandel, Miguel Helft, Jessi Hempel, Marty Jones, Adam Lashinsky, JP Mangalindan, Megan McCarthy, Tory Newmyer, Jennifer Reingold, Daniel Roberts, Alex Taylor, Shawn Tully, and Jen Wieczner 2014-01-08


    北极圈拥有世界上八分之一未被探明的原油和30%的天然气储量。6个国家声称拥有这里的若干片区域。全球最大的两家公司埃克森美孚( Exxon Mobil)和荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell)正在斥资数十亿美元勘探北极海床。在这块地球上最寒冷的地区之一,地缘政治擦枪走火的几率有多高? 8%。

    The Arctic Circle will be a hotspot

    An eighth of the world's undiscovered oil and 30% of its natural-gas reserves are locked beneath it. Six nations claim slices of this polar pie. Two of the biggest companies in the world, Exxon Mobil (XOM, Fortune 500) and Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA), are spending billions to probe its seabed. Chances that a geopolitical spark will catch fire in one of the most frigid spots on earth? 8%.
