

Adam Lashinsky 2013-12-16



    可以说,凯文•周自己就是一个成功本土化的典范。他是一个在洛杉矶郊区长大的台湾移民,后来考入加州大学伯克利分校(the University of California at Berkeley,不久前Kabam公司刚刚买断了这所学校体育馆的冠名权),毕业后曾经干过投资银行家、科技公司高管和风险资本家,后来在七年前才创办了Kabam公司。

    凯文•周表示,今年Kabam公司的营业收入将超过3.25亿美元,而且已经实现了盈利。这和那些游戏死忠粉丝的贡献是分不开的,更有少数骨灰级玩家不惜每年成千上万美元地在游戏上“烧钱”。 Kabam公司可能永远不会成为一家家喻户晓的企业,但是只要它的商业模式能持续挣钱,这家公司应该不会太在乎这一点。(财富中文网)


    Kabam takes 30 forms of payment, with iTunes (AAPL) and Google Wallet (GOOG) commanding the largest share. Game makers need to be nimble. Two years ago, Kabam's entire business was on Facebook, Chou says. Today, 70% comes from iOS, Android and Amazon (AMZN).

    Given such volatility in the marketplace, it is no surprise that Kabam has faced multiple challenges over its seven-year life. It stumbled through four distinct "pivots," not including its latest: from social network, to Facebook sports community, to sports fantasy gaming, and mobile games on Facebook.

    Chou is something of a localized product himself. The son of immigrants from Taiwan, he grew up in suburban L.A. before heading to the University of California at Berkeley (where Kabam recently purchased the naming rights to the field for the school's football stadium) and then served stints as an investment banker, tech-company executive, and venture capitalist on the way to founding Kabam seven years ago.

    He says the company will record revenues of more than $325 million this year and is profitable, the result of the buying habits of rabid gamers, including a handful of well-tended power-users who rack up payments in the tens of thousands of dollars per year. With customers like that, Kabam may never be a household name. So long as its business model continues to translate into cash, the company won't mind.
