

Dan Mitchell 2013-08-06

    贝佐斯表示,报社目前的管理层将继续留任,也不会裁员。这意味着已故凯瑟琳•格雷厄姆的孙女凯瑟琳•韦慕斯将继续担任报社发行人。韦慕斯领导这份报纸期间,它经历了最具传奇色彩的发展时期,其中包括水门事件。这对于报纸行业而言是另外一个好的信号。之前,报纸行业经历了多年裁员和管理层混乱,对报纸的质量造成了负面影响。【《纽约时报》(The New York Times )曾经认为这是《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)所面临的主要问题,尽管后者曾孤注一掷,尝试与《每日野兽》(Daily Beast)合并】。





    Bezos says current management will stay put and there will be no layoffs. That means Katharine Weymouth -- granddaughter of the late Katherine Graham, who led the paper during its most storied period, including the Watergate era -- will stay on as publisher. Another good sign in an industry skittish from years of cutbacks and management chaos, all of which can have a negative impact on the quality of work produced by a newsroom. (The New York Times diagnosed this as a major part of Newsweek's problems even as it attempted a Hail Mary merger with the Daily Beast.)

    The Post was among the earliest and savviest entrants into online news, even before the Web, and it has maintained a strong presence on the Internet, with popular initiatives like Ezra Klein's Wonkblog. At the same time, it still displays some of the tendencies of "old media" that turn off younger readers, such as often presenting the news dully and in binary "he said/she said" fashion, and maintaining an editorial page that sometimes seems aimed more at proving that the Post is politically "balanced" than at helping anyone understand the issues of the day. The paper will have also always passed up the opportunity to create Politico, arguably one of the most successful new media outfits.

    And of course the newspaper -- which has seen revenues fall by nearly half just in the past six years -- is at the mercy of the same market forces the rest of the industry has endured. Print circulation and ad revenues have continued their inexorable decline, and it had become clear in recent years that the current owners didn't have the stomach to fully transform the business. Weymouth herself said as much to the Post's media writer, Paul Farhi: "If journalism is the mission, given the pressures to cut costs and make profits, maybe [a publicly traded company] is not the best place for the Post."

    None of which means that Bezos will necessarily succeed. The industry's problems are structural -- it's not clear that professionally reported public-affairs journalism, the way we have come to know it through newspapers, can command a market price high enough to sustain its production. The Internet has split that kind of reporting off from the other parts of newspapers (like coupons, advice columns, and horoscopes) that stirred most of the demand for newspapers. Hard news now has to find its own market. And not even Bezos can necessarily make that work, nor will even he be patient forever. "We believe in the long term," he told Fortune last year, "but the long term also has to come."
