

Omar Akhtar 2013-04-26

    彭博社已经注意到这些新动向。它在本月早些时候已宣布,将为彭博终端系统增加自己的Twitter服务。这项服务将为客户提供经过精心组织的实时信息流,来源主要是企业、高管、政府官员、经济学家、评论家、媒体等方面的Twitter账户,以及由彭博社工作人员选择的其他有影响力的消息来源。用户可以为他们想要跟踪的公司设置信息提醒和信息过滤请求。此外,彭博社还专门推出一个名为“彭博社社交速度”(Bloomberg Social Velocity)的板块,用来跟踪社交媒体上有关特定公司的讨论异常激增的情况。






    译者: iDo98

    The developments haven't gone unnoticed by Bloomberg, which announced the addition of its own Twitter service for Bloomberg terminals earlier this month. The service will provide clients a curated live feed from the Twitter accounts of corporations, executives, government officials, economists, commentators, media outlets, and other influential sources of news chosen by the Bloomberg staff. Users can set alerts and filters for the companies they want to follow. In addition, a section called "Bloomberg Social Velocity" tracks abnormal spikes in chatter about specific companies.

    "Twitter is just another channel our clients can use along with all the other services we provide," says Brian Rooney, core-products manager for news at Bloomberg. "It's a natural extension of what we have been providing in the past."

    Most Wall Street banks don't allow the use of social media at work, citing security and communication concerns, so employees will finally get a glimpse of the Twitter conversation through the terminals. However, it's not without limitations. For one, the Twitter feed is presented on Bloomberg's own terminal interface which can be clunky compared to the native Twitter layout. There is also not a lot offered in terms of in-depth analysis, and although the list is growing, it's still filled only with sources chosen by Bloomberg, limiting the voices that can be heard.

    "The client doesn't want the full Twitter hose," says Rooney. "What they're looking for are tweets that matter and exposure to the broad conversation." Rooney also says Twitter is only one component of the data and Bloomberg has plenty of resources and experience for spotting news without the use of social media.

    To get access to the full Twitter "firehose," companies would have to use a social media API provider like Gnip. In fact, many hedge funds are foregoing using an analytics platform like Dataminr and simply using Gnip to directly access and filter the Twitter feed and perform the analysis themselves.

    However, Gnip's director of assets and financial technology, Seth McGuire believes that while social media analysis is an increasingly integral tool for professional investors, it isn't the complete picture. "The guys on the Street will never rely on only one source of data, says McGuire. "Analytics makes social media interesting, but it's not a replacement of other sources."
