

Dan Mitchell 2013-04-12


    有线电视台的实况体育赛事和本地新闻节目留住了大量观众,不过Aereo提供的正是这类节目。与此同时,与《财富》同属于时代华纳集团(Time Warner)的HBO电视网暗示,可能向所有有兴趣的人提供HBO Go付费流媒体服务,即便他们并非有线电视用户(该流媒体服务目前只对有线用户开放)。HBO似乎认为,网络市场收费低且竞争激烈,挣点钱很不容易,在有线电视上获得的收入比网络上多得多。但即使这样,HBO都已经在考虑拉拢网络用户,可谓在有线电视阵营自挖墙角。


    There is some irony in the fact that Aereo's threat to TV has broadcasters considering retreating behind cable's walls, which themselves are under threat from the Internet. While "cord cutting" isn't so far a huge problem for cable companies, it is a problem. Only about 5% of viewers gave up on pay-TV last year, according to Nielsen, but that number is slowly growing as Internet-viewing options proliferate. So far the threat is mainly from the likes of Netflix (NFLX) and Amazon (AMZN), which offer a range of movies and TV shows for a fraction of the cost of a cable subscription, which can run higher than $100 a month。

    Live sports and local news are keeping a lot of viewers within the cable fold, but that's just the kind of programming that Aereo offers. Meanwhile, HBO -- which, like Fortune, is currently owned by Time Warner (TWX) -- has hinted that it might make its HBO Go streaming service to all who want to subscribe, even if they don't have a cable subscription, which is now required. For the moment, it seems like HBO believes it can make more money from the fees it collects from cable subscribers than it could make battling it out on the Internet, where prices are extremely low. But the fact that HBO is even thinking about such a move represents another crack in cable's walled fortress.

    A lot of people subscribe to cable mainly to have access to programming from networks like HBO, Showtime, and AMC. If such fare makes its way to the Internet separately from cable, the rationale for having a cable subscription will be that much harder to defend, especially if Aereo is allowed to remain in business.
