

Doron Levin 2012-05-28


    凯迪拉克ATS将于今年晚些时候到店开售。这款后驱轿车将与宝马3系进行针锋相对的竞争,挑战可谓不小,因为宝马3系被喻为史上好评最多、装饰得最漂亮的运动型轿车。市场调查公司明略行(Millward Brown)指出,在以宝马、丰田和奔驰为三甲的全球十大最具价值的汽车品牌排行榜上,并没有凯迪拉克的名字。在各类商品全球百大最具价值品牌排行榜上,苹果公司以1830亿美元的估值位列榜首。至于凯迪拉克,布拉格曼只是表示:“凯迪拉克正在进步。”

    不过凯迪拉克的策略师们决心把凯迪拉克重新推回这些排行榜的前列。一个更广、更深的产品线有助于实现这个目标。凯迪拉克正考虑为旗下的轿车推出跨界版。而且凯迪拉克的高管还暗示可能会推出一款比XTS更大的后驱旗舰车型。不过公司可能尚未最终批准这个项目,否则凯迪拉克的高管也许会更加明确地谈论这个问题 。



    Though Cadillac doesn't contend in Europe, the XTS and ATS will help the brand put up a better fight in China against BMW and Mercedes. In the U.S. the two biggest German brands are outselling Cadillac by a factor of two. Toyota's (TM) Lexus luxury division, while behind BMW and Mercedes, is regaining lost momentum from the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

    Later this year, the ATS will roll into dealerships. The rear-wheel-drive ATS is a no-compromise bid to compete against BMW's formidable 3-series, one of the most praised and decorated sports sedans ever. According to the market research company Millward Brown, Cadillac wasn't among the top ten most valuable automotive brands worldwide, a list headed by BMW, Toyota and Mercedes. Of the top 100 most valuable brands of all categories, Apple headed the list with an estimated value of $183 billion. "The Cadillac brand is a work in progress," says Bragman.

    But Cadillac strategists are dedicated to the mission of pushing GM's luxury brand to the front ranks where it once dominated. A broader, deeper product lineup could help. Crossover versions of the sedans are being contemplated. And company executives hint broadly that a rear-wheel-drive flagship even larger than the XTS could be in the works. Chances are that Cadillac hasn't received corporate approval for the project, otherwise their executives would be speaking about it more definitely.

    GM management's enthusiasm for expanding Cadillac's product line could be dictated by the marketplace performance of the XTS and subsequently the ATS, expressed in terms of pricing as well as units sold. GM's luxury brand has sights set on nothing less than regaining its one-time reputation as "Standard of the World." Only mortal combat against the world's best luxury cars will decide whether that title is justified.
