

ALEX KONRAD 2011-10-11

    Tavi Gevinson




    泰薇•盖文森是时尚设计师和评论人眼中的红人,她的博客《时尚新人》(Style Rookie)也受到了博友的追捧。泰薇现在依旧在写博客,不过她还推出了一本名叫《新人》(Rookie)的在线杂志。谈到这项事业的时候,泰薇表现得很谦虚。不过可千万不要小瞧她:泰薇在博客上宣布了做杂志的计划后,短短10天之内,她就收到了2,900封电子邮件申请,要求加入她的撰稿团队。

    泰薇希望能通过《新人》杂志在时尚、女权主义以及少女的人生问题方面提供一些严肃、“诚实”的内容。这很像简•布拉特开办的《Sassy》杂志,它在上世纪80年代和90年代早期向女权主义者提供了一股清新的空气。简•布拉特也是泰薇的顾问之一,不过泰薇决定不与布拉特的东家Say Media合作,以便保持对杂志的控制权。

    今年年仅15岁的泰薇显然有着非常广泛的人脉,最近《新人》杂志发表的文章有不少出自大腕的手笔,比如电影《荣誉小姐》(Bridesmaids)的导演保罗•费格撰写的初吻故事,十分动人;还有美剧《公园娱乐》(Parks & Recreation)的女演员奥普瑞•普拉扎的专访;另外乔斯•文登、佐伊•丹斯切尔、丹•萨维奇和杰克•布莱克等名人也纷纷在《新人》上撰文。


    Tavi Gevinson

    Rookie Magazine

    Age: 15

    Tavi Gevinson is a darling among fashion designers, critics, and long-time readers of her blog, Style Rookie. Gevinson maintains her blog, but now has launched an online publication, Rookie magazine. Gevinson is modest about the venture, but don't be fooled: After announcing her plans to launch the online mag through her blog, she received 2,900 email submissions to join her writing team within 10 days.

    With Rookie, Gevinson says she wants to offer no-nonsense, "honest" content about fashion, feminism, and life issues for girls -- much like Jane Pratt's Sassy provided a breath of fresh air for feministas in the 1980s and early `90s. Though Pratt is one of Gevinson's advisors, the young editor chose not to work with Say Media, which publishes Pratt, so she could maintain control of her effort.

    The 15 year-old Gevinson is certainly connected; recent Rookie posts include a dramatic first kiss tale by Bridesmaids director Paul Feig, an interview with actress Aubrey Plaza of Parks & Recreation, and guest contributions from Joss Whedon, Zooey Deschanel, Dan Savage, and Jack Black.

    What's next? Gevinson has her sights on showcasing the site's writing, photography, and illustrations in a semi-annual print issue. Just the same, she is reluctant to call her work at Rookie a job. "It doesn't feel like a business right now," she says. Although the site earns revenue from ad sales, neither Gevinson nor her editorial director plan to draw a salary this year. "I get a lot of creative satisfaction out of doing it."
